1 Alexander (Gastown)
Vancouver, British Columbia

Saying there was excitement when FaceBook made an API available for developers is like saying it rains in Vancouver. But here's something you might not know. The folks who created Project Opus have also created a Project Opus MP3 player for FaceBook that's powered by Drupal - and they're talking!!!

Join us Thursday August 30th as David Gratton, Ross Howard-Jones and James Andres from the Donat Group do an encore of their Vancouver BarCamp presentation on the FaceBook MP3 player powered by Drupal.

As always, there will be a Question and Answer session for questions on anything Drupal and a chance to tell the group about any cool stuff you've been working on.

Official Website: http://groups.drupal.org/node/5760

Added by bmann on August 29, 2007



ianiv, dale and i will be videoing live and to tape!


my camerapeople are sick and can't bring their cameras, could somebody bring a mini DV camera and tape and tape the Facebook session? I can't because I'll be streaming the entire thing on ustream or mogulus. if u can, please email roland AT rolandtanglao.com skype:rtanglao or phone 604 729 7924