216 Beverley St.
Toronto, Ontario M5T1Z3

Attorney Involved in California Ruling to ok Gay Marriage speaks in Toronto

Edward Tabash to speak on “The Threat of the Religious Right to the Core Liberties of the United States” May 23

Friday, May 23, 7:00 – 9:00pm
Catered Reception exclusively for CFI members 6:00pm. Please contact us to join today!

Edward Tabash is a Los Angeles attorney and chair of the Center for Inquiry’s First Amendment Task Force, on whose behalf he filed one of the briefs on the winning side of the California Supreme Court's split decision to allow same sex marriage on May 15. Tabash argued to California's high court that the ban on same sex marriage is grounded in religious dogma and violates the separation of church and state.

Tabash, a former two time runner up for a seat in the California Legislature, will be active in attempting to defeat a possible ballot by the religious right to overturn the decision by voters in November. In the meantime, the Center for Inquiry is celebrating this current victory for human rights and fundamental equality.

Tabah is a constitutional lawyer in the Los Angeles area. He is a specialist in the application of the United States Constitution to the controversies swirling round religion and government. An appointee of Congressman Brad Sherman to the State Central Committee of the California Democratic Party, he also chairs the national legal committee for Americans United for Separation of Church and State.

Tabash will be making his first election year presentation, outside of the United States, informing Canadians about the grave threat to the very fabric of American modern secular government that is at issue in the current presidential election.

Centre for Inquiry, 216 Beverley St., downtown Toronto (just south of College St. at St. George St.)

$6 general, $4 students, FREE for Friends of the Centre for Inquiry

Contact: [email protected], www.cfiontario.org, 416-971-5676

Official Website: http://www.centerforinquiry.net/ontario

Added by Centre for Inquiry Ontario on May 16, 2008