The Art, Technology, and Culture Colloquium
of the Berkeley Center for New Media announces:
Attention Depiction Disorders
Perry Hoberman: Installation Artist
Naut Humon: Recombinant Media Labs, SF
V. Vale: REsearch Publications, SF
Monday, Feb 25, 7:30-9:00pm
Bay Area legends Naut Humon and V. Vale will present
an oral optical conversation using a variety of media
Topics will include ADD, information overload,
experiential engineering, catastrophism, shuffle-culture,
artificial simulations, panorama, spatial media synthesis,
transcoding, cinesonics, meta-language, disembodied
temporality, Frankenstein polyphonies and errant edge
blending histories.
Special guest artist Perry Hoberman will perform live real
time requisite visual distractions in accordance with the
ADD theme. The dialogue will conclude with rare, unseen
footage of the Survival Research Labs private show at the
Berkeley Art Museum in 2003.
** Note Special Location: Berkeley Art Museum Theater
** Enter on 2621 Durrant Ave (access via sculpture garden)
ATC Lectures are free and open to the public
Seating is limited and not guaranteed.
V. Vale has been an independent, non-grant-funded,
San Francisco publisher of counterculture magazines and
books since 1977. His books include Modern Primitives,
Angry Women, Incredibly Strange Music, Incredibly Strange
Films, Search and Destroy, Pranks, Industrial Culture
Handbook, four books on U.K. visionary author J.G. Ballard,
and a book on William S. Burroughs, Brion Gysin, and
Throbbing Gristle.
Naut Humon has been the director of international
operations for RML, Asphodel Records, and AV curator for
select portions of the annual ARS Electronica Festival in
Austria. Recombinant Media Labs cultivates radical
methodologies and performative processes that expand
aesthetic and technological boundaries of immersive
installation and surround cinema. Naut performed with
the experimental music group "Rhythm & Noise" and is about
to debut a new cross-media collective known as "Careen
Ajar". For several decades, he's experimented with a wide
range of audience mobilization and extreme environments to
build bridges between audio and visual experiences.
The Recombinant Media Labs concept has emerged out beyond
these frames and is ready to take it to the streets.
Perry Hoberman is an installation artist who has worked
extensively with machines and media. His career has
included stints with Laurie Anderson and currently the
USC Interactive Media Division in LA. He has exhibited
internationally, with major shows throughout the USA and
Europe. His work is currently on view in the "Future Cinema"
exhibition at the ZKM Center for New Media in Karlsruhe.
Hoberman has been the recipient of numerous grants and
awards, and is both a 2002 Guggenheim Foundation Fellow
and a 2002 Rockefeller Foundation Media Art Fellow.
ATC Primary Sponsors: Berkeley Center for New
Media (BCNM), Center for Information Technology in the
Interest of Society (CITRIS), College of Engineering
Interdisciplinary Studies Program (IDS), and the
Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost.
Additional Sponsors: Intel Research, BAM/PFA, Townsend
Center for the Humanities, and the Berkeley Consortium
for the Arts.
Ken Goldberg, ATC Director
Greg Niemeyer, ATC Associate Director
Irene Chien, ATC Graduate Associate
Curated with ATC Advisory Board
For updated information, please visit:
or contact: [email protected] or (510) 642-0635.
Official Website:
Added by ninavizz on February 15, 2008