1325 Broadway
Sonoma, California 95476

Beware! The killer tomatoes are coming, once again, to Carneros Bistro & Wine Bar September 19th -25th. This year will mark the 6th annual “Attack of the Killer Tomatoes” celebration at the restaurant. New Chef Andrew Wilson and Sommelier Christopher Sawyer are collaborating to compile a whole menu of tomato themed dishes and wine pairings. All of tomato dishes can be ordered a la cart or as part of a tasting menu priced at $45 for three courses or $65 for five courses. Wine pairings are available for an additional $15 for three courses and $25 for five. As fitting, the cult-classic “Attack of the Killer Tomatoes” film will be projected continuously throughout the week in the dining room and in the bar.

Added by Rachel Genise on August 24, 2011

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