71-537 Highway 111 Suites L and M
Rancho Mirage, California 92270

What makes them so special. Were you there? The Dolphin and Mount Shasta connection. What is TELOS? What do the Telosians what you to know and remember. Who are your star brothers and sisters? Judy will channel a personal message for you from ADAMA, High Lemurian Telosian Priest of Telos.

Class taught by Judy Cali Healer, Channeler, and reader has been doing Intuitive Healing work with The Ascended Masters & Angels since 3 years of age. She was asked by The Ascended Master of Healing, Hilarion, to go public 8 years ago. She receives a whole picture of you thru seeing, feeling, hearing & knowing about your soul. Her intuitive readings bring forth what is most important for you to know at this time in your life. All is in alignment with your highest wisdom & highest good. She is able to share with you who your Guardian Angels & Guides are, talk to your family in spirit & share with you past life details most relavent to your current life. Judy's messages are always delivered thru a Sacred Heart of Love. My website with testimonials is www.JudyCali.com.


If you purchase a package of 4 classes the price is $90.00 which is a $10.00 discount.

Official Website: http://www.dancinglightschool.org

Added by Dr.Debrasavitt on February 2, 2009