995 Roswell Street, NE
Marietta, Georgia 30060

If you currently run or are thinking or running a small business or would like to get into accounting processing for businesses, then you will not want to miss one of our most popular Atlanta trainings: Quickbooks.

There are actually 3 offerings in teh same week. You do not have to take all three, but this will literally boost your quickbooks understands with our interactive teaching style.

Chances are, you accountant has recommended that you use Quickbooks. These classes will save you $100s - $1000s in unwasted time and help you understand how the job can get done.

The first Atlanta class will help you in a pinch and will also show you what you need to give to get the right information from the system.

The second Atlanta class picks up where the first one leaves off, going over selecting the appropriate Quickbooks software for your Atlanta business, along with basic set up. If you've been using Quickbooks, you may not need the first section.

The third moves into day-to-day
Quickbooks operation for advanced clients.

2/23, 25, 27 each day, you won't want to miss out on one of our most popular series. Seating is limited. Call today to reserve your seat. Mention upcoming and get a discount when you order 2 or more classes.

Call 678-766-6666 today to reserve your seat.

Added by hollnerpromos on February 16, 2009