995 Roswell Street, NE
Marietta, Georgia 30060

Interested in an Atlanta Federal Job? This popular, informative class can help you navigate the federal job application process with speed and ease.

Did you know the federal resume format is different than a typical resume?
Do you know what to look for in the 6 page job announcements?
Do you know what a KSA is and do you have one?
Do you know the web sites to look at for new Atlanta federal jobs (and those around the world)?

If you answered NO to any of these questions, then you could miss out on the perfect opportunity. 60 percent of the current federal job force will be eligible for retirement in the next 5-10 years. This means there will be 10000s of opportunities to lock down long-term, secure work.

Call 678-766-6666 today to secure your seat in this invaluable class. Even if you are not currently looking for a job, in today's economy, this could be one of the most important trainings you attend for the stability of your family for years to come.

At this time, this class won't be offered for over a month, so you could lose $1000s in lost income because you didn't know how to get a position this month. Call today so you can get started in the process immediately.

Official Website: http://knowledgeshopatlanta.com/class.cfm?classID=527

Added by hollnerpromos on May 13, 2009

Interested 1