Giant Robot presents "At The Movies", an exhibition of artwork by over 30 artists inspired by scenes from movies.
Featured artists include:
Melinda Beck
Robert Bellm
Chris Bettig
Kelie Bowman
Aaron Brown
David Choong-Lee
Alika Cooper
Matt Furie
Susie Ghahremani
Katherine Guillen
Ryan Jacob-Smith
Arlo Jamrog
Hellen Jo
Omar Lee
Stephanie Leung
Jack Long
Alexis Mackenzie
Casey O'Connell
Ferris Plock
Pryor Praczukowski
Nathalie Roland
Keith Shore
Kevin Taylor
Daria Tessler
The Little Friends of Printmaking
Matthew Thurber
KElly Tunstall
Aiyana Udeson
Steven Weissman
Derek Yu
and more...
March 15th - April 16th, 2008
Reception: Saturday March 15, 6:30-10pm
Official Website:
Added by boygirlparty on March 4, 2008