7380 E 2nd St
Scottsdale, Arizona 85251

Added by Upcoming Robot on February 15, 2009



I've created a new group on Google to facilitate the mailing list.

Please join at:
[email protected]


For anyone interested we now have a total of 13 confirmed members. There are 10 from Meetup.com http://wordpress.meetup.com/173/ and 3 from this Event. W00t!

Looking forward to the meeting.


Hey there group. Well the day is finally here! Looking forward to meeting everyone this evening. Hope the weather doesn't keep too many people away. No real agenda for this evening. Just a meet and greet

I plan on hitting Gingerman around 6:30. I'm wearing a Texas Baseball t-shirt. Here is a picture is my ugly mugg. http://www.flickr.com/photos/codehooligans/190284435/in/set-72157594200198692/

See everyone soon.

cell: 750-3851
twitter: codehooligans