8537 Greenwood Ave N, Suite 1, Studio D
Seattle, Washington 98103

Artist Opening: Fri, September 9 from 6-10pm
Showing through Fri, October 7

Realism is making a comeback. After a few years of lying low, representational art is back with a vengeance—artists are creating figurative work with passion and finesse, but now they’re adding their own unique twists. In a fitting gesture for these tumultuous times, the artists that were chosen for “Askew” create intense, layered imagery that challenges our perceptions of “normal” and makes us think twice about what’s real and what’s not. The work is sometimes dramatic and sometimes subtle, but it’s always well crafted and wonderful. “Askew” is curated by Seattle artists, Chris Sheridan & Kate Protage and features the contemporary works of:

Yvette Endrijautzki, Carl Faulkner, Zanetka Gawronski, Larkin, Matthew Lewis, Aaron Jasinski, Spyder Peterka, AJ Power, Jim Stoccardo, James Walker, and Andrea Wicklund

Official Website: http://www.bherdstudios.com

Added by Bherd Studios on September 4, 2011

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