One South Place EC2A 1SA
London, England EC2A 1SA

These highly advanced sessions will cover the following:

11 May 2010 2:00 PM – 6:00 PM CET

All about binding:

We'll briefly overview why it is extremely important with regards to performance, scalability and even security but quickly move into topics such as:

Do I always want to bind? (Surprisingly, the answer is no.)
What is bind variable peeking?
Is it good or evil in disguise or a bit of both?
So the developers don't bindis cursor_sharing=force/similar appropriate system wide? (Emphasis will be on the reasons why setting cursor sharing at the instance level is not such a good idea.)
What is the real difference between cursor_sharing=force/similar and which should we use under what circumstances?
The presentation will be practical, with many examples and hard numbers you can use in your day-to-day work.

Reorganizing objects – when and how:
A hotly debated topic is “do I need to reorganize/rebuild indexes and tables”. We will discuss the times when a reorganization or rebuild is relevant, how to measure what you’ve done (to verify that the work performed did something useful!), and the best techniques for performing a reorganization of data.

12 May 2010 2:00 PM – 6:00 PM CET

Storage Techniques:

How data is stored on disk by Oracle directly affects the speed at which we can retrieve that data (and modify it, and create it and so on). This session will look at the physical structures available to us, discuss when to use each (and when not to!). Techniques such as clustering, index organized storage; partitioning and compression will be investigated.

Official Website:

Added by Idiceanu Renata on March 8, 2010