20 Rockefeller Plaza
New York City, New York

Artist Will Cotton is internationally recognized for his dreamy landscapes often composed of sugary desserts and idealized female figures. Drawing inspiration from diverse sources such as pin-ups and bakery windows, Cotton’s prints, canvases, and interactive projects explore the promise and possibility of gluttony, beauty, and desire. The convergence of indulgence and appetite has long been a recurring theme in Cotton’s work, and his art has long incorporated images of cotton candy, macaroons, peppermints, frosting, cakes, lollipops, marshmallows, and other sugary confections. The ArtTalk will be followed by a question-and-answer session and a wine reception hosted by Christie’s. For more information, please write to [email protected] or call 212.988.7700 ext. 210. (Image caption: Will Cotton, "Ribbon Candy," 36 x 32 inches, oil on linen, 2008)

Added by American Federation of Arts on August 18, 2010