973 Valencia street
San Francisco, California 94110

Wednesday, October 10th 6-8 pm

Carte Blanche is pleased to invite you to its new artist talk and book signing event featuring photographers Cig Harvey, with her book "You Look At Me Like An Emergency", and Candace Gaudiani, with her book "Between Destinations".

Cig Harvey’s new book, You Look At Me Like An Emergency, a collection of journeys, secrets and wishes, is a stunning visual autobiography through seventy-four vibrant photographs and seventeen emotionally raw vignettes. This striking exploration of the artist’s own emotional life follows the arch of universal and timeless archetypes: rejection, hope, indecision, strength, loss, and love.
Through words and pictures Harvey has recorded an imaginative epic of unknowing, discovery, and deepening; she reveals herself, in all her complications and anecdotal delight, as a person coming to grips with that significant other who does, now and then, regard her as amiably odd, perhaps even needful of loving care.

Between Destinations is a stunning new photography book featuring the latest work of Candace Plummer Gaudiani.
Her images lyrically transform the vistas of train travel into personal artistic statements reflecting the photographer’s haunting memories of an earlier time. The book, published by Kehrer Verlag, includes an extensive essay by Alison Nordström and an interview with Jane Reed.

Added by Carte Blanche Gallery on September 21, 2012