Northfield, Minnesota 55057

DRAFT Agenda
ARTech Board Meeting
9 March 2006, at ARTech, 6:30pm

1. Call the meeting to order
2. Verify quorum
3. Approve minutes of February 16
4. Approve agenda
5. Speakers corner: This is an opportunity for community members to address the ARTech Board of Directors on subjects related to the school. Please limit comments to three minutes.
6. Consent Agenda:
7. Reports
A. Board chair update
B. Director update
C. Parent Group
8. Discussion Items
A. Self study report/reflections
B. Enrollment policy revisited
C. Parent Group Charge
D. Student representation on board
E. Board agenda for April, March, summer
9. Action items
A. Any items that result from the above discussion
B. Other?
10. Announcements
11. Adjournment

Added by Northfield School of Arts on March 2, 2006