1026 Valencia
San Francisco, California 94110

Art by Nicole Weinstein, Alexis Mackenzie, & Jonathan Grubb

-- Abstract Color Photos by Nicole Weinstein --

Nicole photographs outdoor lighted signs late at night to produce strong color images on a black background. The images are shot on slide film then cross processed, producing a negative with saturated colors. Each photo is mounted on gator board and then on a block of wood.

Nicole recently relocated from Los Angeles where she exhibited work in various galleries, cafes, and bookstores. This particular project has never been shown before, and is her first in the Bay Area.

-- Collages by Alexis Mackenzie --

Alexis hand-cuts images from books, magazines, catalogs, and photographs and compiles them into otherworldy creatures and scenes.

Alexis lives and works in San Francisco. She has shown work at Ritual before, and has been featured in several international art publications, most recently Volumen 3 (Argentina) and Sketchel (Australia). Her web site is www.plantimals.com

-- Return of the Stuffed Animals by Jonathan Grubb --

Jonathan revitalizes worn-out plush toys with thread, wax, pieces of metal, and dollar-store toy parts. His animals have appeared around San Francisco in cafes and galleries, including recent show at Ritual and The Lola Gallery. His web site is www.jonathangrubb.com

Added by jonathangrubb on October 14, 2005