2805 Whipple Rd,
Union City, California 94540

The Art of Living Course teaches you practical tools to better handle the stresses of daily life.
*Learn Sudarshan Kriya: immensely powerful, rhythmic breathing technique to release stress and purify the entire system by releasing toxins at the deepest cellular level.
*Stretching and low-impact yoga.
*Guided meditation and breathing techniques that relax the mind.
*Skills for handling negative emotions and situations.
*Practical wisdom for improving focus at work and harmony in relationships.

Official Website: http://secure.artofliving.org/course_details.aspx?course_id=7390

Added by sanjanapc on June 13, 2010



hi sanjana,
Good... I have been trying to do this Art of Living course. Do you have any video link to the same. Best wishes...Hari