2 Shah Sultan Complex, Cunningham Road
Bangalore, Karnataka

Art exhibition - The Lost Tea Leaves Series by Mithun Jayaram and Infinitea. Infinitea and Mithun Jayaram have collaborated to create designs with recycled throw-away tea leaves.

'The Lost Tea Leaves Series', is an ongoing set of works through the collaboration of Infinitea and Mithun Jayaram. The purpose of this project is to play with the possibilities of recycling throw-away tea leaves.

Mithun's work usually include the use of materials that can be found in every home such as cotton, pencils (shavings), toothpicks and matchsticks among other things.  Being aware that these are materials that are thrown after use, he would find their potential to become something else. As an installation work, a gift item, a sculptural piece, etc.

This exhibition has been called 'The Lost Tea Leaves Series' because of a conversation he had with a teacher at the Alliance Francaise; 'Pain Perdu' is literally translated from French as 'Lost Bread'. It is what we know to be as 'French Toast'. The bread that was made at that time in France , lasted for just for a day before it became hard, crunchy and stale (lost). He described how that for the people to get over this, what theyd do is make it soft by dipping it in a mixture of eggs and milk to fry it into golden brown chunks (slices in American and English cultures).

The idea, of giving second breath to something ready to be thrown away (the abject quality), was what captured him. That people had found a way to waste less bread by preparing it differently.

Mithun could relate to what he was doing with the tea leaves. They too, every evening get chucked away in large garbage bags where they will find their way into lorries, the next morning, that lift them away.

Instead, the 'Teamen' (as they are called at Infinitea) helped collect the unwanted tea remains, where he took them back home to dry, stored and experiment on them.

This nine month project has finally borne fruit and is on display at the top floor of Infinitea, situated opposite Sigma Mall along Cunningham road, Bangalore .

There is no closing date for this exhibition, so come on by, relax with a pot of tea and great food under the loungy feel that is Infinitea.

Some of the works are for sale or can be bartered upon. If interested, Mithun will be happy to design and create unique pieces just for you.

Official Website: http://www.buzzintown.com/?95074

Added by pallavi46 on April 11, 2009

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