217 South Water Street, Ste. 101
Northfield, Minnesota 55057

This class is a repeat collaboration lead by retired art teacher Karen Oiseth who, working with Dean Kjerland and his ArcheoPaleo paleontology collection, will guide the students through an intensive course, Introduction to Scientific Illustration. The class will meet Sunday afternoons at ArcheoPaleo for 3 weeks beginning Feb 13th. Each 4-hour session will include a mini-presentation of the Collection and coached sketching, drawing and painting of selected fossil specimens. The final class will include an exhibition of artwork produced by the class at ArtOnWater Gallery in conjunction with its current FOSSILS!!! Exhibition. The fee is $50.00 (some supplies included). Contact Karen at 645-0599 or Dean at 645-1380. For info about ArtOnWater or ArcheoPaleo go to archeopaleo.com

Added by ArtOnWater on January 30, 2005



CORRECTION: Karen can be reached at 664-0599

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