High Street
Doncaster, England DN1 1DN

Parade by 150 (Yorkshire) Transport Regiment 219 (South Yorkshire) Transport Squadron The Royal Logistics Corps. To include the Freedom of Entry Ceremony outside the Mansion House.

Signing of the Military Covenant by senior service officers and civic dignitaries

Parade through Doncaster town centre by veterans, military units, cadet force, Women’s Land Army, Bevin Boys, War Widows Association, Rotary Clubs, Air Scouts, Scouts, Girlguiding UK and representatives from local schools, led by Police horses and a military band.

Salute to be taken by Elected and Civic Mayors of Doncaster, the Lord Lieutenant, High Sheriff and senior representative of the Army, Navy and Air Force, MPs and Councillors at the Mansion House.

Service of Celebration to take place at the Minster Church of St. George, Doncaster, led by the Reverend Canon Doctor Paul Shackerley.

11:00am onwards
Displays, exhibitions, coffee shop at the Mansion House
Displays and exhibitions within the Frenchgate Centre

11:30am to 1:30pm
Reminiscence Project - an opportunity for all to share memories with veterans from World War II onwards surrounded by memorabilia and artefacts by the Civilians at War Society. Local schools to create a lasting record with those who served across the years, munitions workers, evacuees and children of the post war era and current serving personnel. Held at the Mansion House.

12:30pm onwards
Musical performances at :
Frenchgate Centre
Doncaster Markets
The East Lawn Doncaster Minster

1:00pm onwards
Tug of War Competition on the lawn at Doncaster Minster

Dismissal Ceremony on the lawn at Doncaster Minster. To include lowering of flag, closing speeches by the Civic Mayor and Lance Bombardier Ben Parkinson. The National Anthem will close the event.

Also around the Frenchgate Centre, Doncaster Markets and the East Lawn Doncaster Minster: Free donkey rides, Free face-painting, Free balloon modelling, Free paintballing, Stilt Walker, Fairground rides (small charge), Food retailers and Dining Marquee.

Added by Armed Forces Day on June 10, 2011

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