3931 Ruston Way
Tacoma, Washington 98407

On Saturday and Sunday September 4th and 5th Veterans for Peace Chapter 134 Tacoma will present Arlington Northwest, a memorial to the American military dead from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Markers are placed in the grass with the names of each soldier, date of death as well as his or her hometown. This marks the fifth year of the event at Marine Park, on Ruston Way in Tacoma. The viewing will be from 9am to sundown Saturday and on Sunday from sun-up to 5pm. It requires twenty people over five hours to set up and dismantle this display and volunteers are welcome. It is open to the general public and all ages are welcome. More information on the display is at the website http://olyblog.net/arlington-northwest-iraq-war-memorial-2008.

Added by steveandkristinebel on August 30, 2010