939 Boylston Street
Boston, Massachusetts 02115

A prolific songwriter and captivating live performer, Ari Hest is returning to Cafe 939 to kick of his national spring tour. Many singer/songwriters toil for months on their Macs, trying to make a demo that sounds polished enough to score a record deal with a major label. But Ari Hest has done the exact opposite, as he continues to defy the conventional route of a musician, largely because of his ambitious 52 project. He spent all of last year immersed in an unprecedented effort: to write, record, produce, and release one new song per week, 52 weeks in a row. Now he will self-release his new studio CD, Twelve Mondays. The album features reworked versions of 12 fan-selected songs, culled from the past year's extraordinary output.

Also performing is singer/songwriter Sarah Siskind.

Official Website: http://events.myspace.com/Event/View/4439172

Added by redroom939 on May 22, 2010

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