In the well-known story of Gulliver’s Travels, a scientist doing basic research has packaged sunlight from cucumbers in order to supply the governor’s garden with cheap sunlight. This reference to Jonathan Swift’s parody illustrates the concern about the nature and value of scientific research and the contribution it makes to society. Dr. David L. Evans, Smithsonian’s Under Secretary for Science, will talk about the value and importance of basic research in the history of the Smithsonian. Results from scholarly work done at the Institution have contributed to and enriched the lives of all Americans – not just those who come to our museums and visit our web sites. Public support of basic research is essential in maintaining an American tradition of scholarly leadership. Our work inspires curiosity, leads to innovation, and adds to our intellectual capacity as a nation. Event held in the Reception Suite at the National Museum of American History.
Added by ducharmem on July 17, 2006