1900 Associated Rd
Fullerton, California 92831

Enjoy a one-of-a-kind glimpse into our local food's journey from earth to plate while you dine mere steps away from where your food was grown! Join other local-food enthusiasts for a rustic Friday evening meal prepared with seasonal ingredients freshly pulled from Fullerton Arboretum's own soil. Each supper will be crafted by the chef of the month and will take place at an intimate location within the garden. Beyond enjoying a delicious three-course meal served with complementary local wines, you'll also receive an educational tour of the plants and soil that grew your supper, informal cooking instruction from your chef, and seasonal recipes to take home and replicate. Supper Club registration fees provide special support for our year-round educational programs. Menus are based on the seasonal harvest, so repeat attendance is encouraged! Check website for guest chefs and menus: http://www.fullertonarboretum.org/edu_general_adult.php. Space limited--Prepaid preregistration only. Call by Monday before the supper. 657-278-3407.

Added by Upcoming Robot on September 11, 2010