101 E Jackson St
Phoenix, Arizona 85004

Come celebrate April Fool's Day right at Alice Cooperstown! Awesome music, random stuff, how could it get any better? I think not!!

All ages welcome!


-What Laura Says
-The Dorsets
-Eleven Fifty Seven
-Some Never Sleep
-Race You There

Doors open at 7 pm

Presale: $8 Door: $10 (for pre-sale tickets, please message the bands or us at 80/20)

For those who don't have a car, there's a light rail station right across the street!

Invite as many people as you want! The more the merrier!

Official Website: http://www.8020records.com/content/april-fools-day-show

Added by 8020records on March 23, 2010

Interested 1