Hanbury Street E1 6QR
London, England E1 6QR

We are having an Aperitivo night, Milan style. This is going to be monthly and revolve around twitter, the best social networking tool out there.We are hoping for special effects as well, so be ready for the best event for London in April.

So picture: Amazing drinks + free Italian food = Aperitivo. Aperitivo + tweeps = Aperitweat.

We strongly suggest you RSVP on http://twtvite.com/d8xnqo and make sure you have a twitter account.

Check Map here http://www.alvolo.co.uk/contact.php
If you don’t know what twitter is, now the time to learn and meet loads of interesting new contacts.

And remember that it is tough to say no to free Italian food, but it is even tougher to pass on the opportunity to meet new, interesting people.

Official Website: http://twtvite.com/d8xnqo

Added by tojulius on March 17, 2009