100 Berlin Rd
Cromwell, Connecticut 06416

Housing prices are down, but rentals have held up much better.
CNN says Real Estate: It's time to buy again. Forget stocks. Don't bet on gold. After four years of plunging home prices, the most attractive asset class in America is housing.


5:30pm - Mastermind Group

Our Mastermind Team has a combine of 75 years of Real Estate training. Every person participation is essential. Peers give feedback, brainstorm new possibilities and set accountability guidelines to keep the meetings focused.

Ask yourself what it is that you would like to achieve and then turn your attention to the people who can help you attain that goal. One mind can never imagine the possibilities created when a group of like-minded individuals become focused.

The Mastermind Group portion of this event is Open to all Coaching students and CT REIA members that own two buildings or more.


Starting at 6pm - AOACT Meeting

Marc Weinstein from Budget Dry Basement Health will teach you how to control water seepage in your basement.

Matthew Cholewa from Asset Preservation, Inc. will teach you about the tax deferred 1031 exchange. This is a great tool for buying more and larger buildings. 1031 Exchange represents a simple, strategic method for selling one qualifying property and the subsequent acquisition of another qualifying property.


- How to never have an eviction again
- Building Codes: Find out which properties are exempt from inspections
- Why you should be taking advantage of this incredible Real Estate Market
- Security Deposit Rules
- And much more

Official Website: http://www.ctreia.com/events.php?a=v&i=349

Added by CTREIA on July 8, 2011

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