008 Love Rd
Hernando, Mississippi 38632

Invasion Of Anzio
Paintball Scenario event

"The Allies are three days off the boats in the soft underbelly of fortress Europe. Field Marshall Keislering has sealed off the brake out points and locked the allies to their landing points. Now an Allies are about to make a stab at the German forces to the east and brake out. If the Allies succeed, they will cut the boot of Italy out of the war!"

...This will be the 1th year of the Invasion of Anzio paintball scenario event. This year we will have personal missions for every player on the field. The game will employ several NPC’s on the field wish game effect and some great new props. Cedar Hill Farm has a fantastic back battle field area that will allow for easy access to each teams command points and enough open land to allow for tanks. We are talking to some tank crews now and will keep everyone posted to how many will be there.

Event Schedule:
07:00hrs – Site opens
09:30hrs – Ref & GM orientation speech
09:45hrs – Teams roll out
10:00hrs – Game starts
12:30hrs – Game break
14:00hrs – Game re-start
17:00hrs – final battle event location declared
17:30hrs – game ends
18:00hrs – Awards and final speeches.

We will have two grades of paintballs available for players. Both grades will be from KEE Action Sports!

This will be a field paint only event.

The price on the game is $40 per person or $30 if you pre-register.
Pre-registration dead line is Tues March 22nd at midnight.

You can Pre-register by sending funds to [email protected] by paypal

Cedar Hill Farm is located just 15 min south of Memphis TN.

For game info call Mad Ivan’s at 682-559-8919
For Field or Camping/Hotel info call Cedar Hill Farm 662-429-2540

Hope to see you at the game!!
Mad Ivan’s Scenarios
Ft.Worth, Texas

Added by madivanscenarios on February 21, 2011

Interested 1