400 Zang Blvd,
Dallas, Texas 75208

Now that we have broken the mold when it comes to our country's leadership, let's break it one more time.
Marriage in the Black Communityis at an all time low. Children being born with no daddies. Mother's breakin' their back tryin' to make ends meet. We need "change" all right. And we can do it. EveryMarch we have the opportunity to celebrate Black marriages all over the nation and especially here in North Texas. Join us in our quest to teach our kids that marriage does matter and when done right can benefit our kids, our community and our future. Celebrate Dallas Black Marriage Today! For more information visit www.dallasblackmarriageday.com.

Organized by ANTHEM


(The Alliance for North Texas Healthy Effective Marriages) is a
non-profit association that joins forces with local community organizations,
faith-based groups and individuals to help people strengthen
marriages and families through education, promotion and resources so
that men, women and youth can develop and sustain healthy relationships. we offer FREE life skills traing classes. That right I said FREE.

Ticket Info:  Early Bird, Free

Official Website: http://dallasblackmarriageday-upcoming.eventbrite.com

Added by eventbrite-events on March 18, 2009

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