34 W 22nd St
New York, New York 10010

Annie Ross has been an abundant contributor to the art of jazz for over 50 years. Born in the UK, she has been a permanent resident of the USA for many years and a US citizen since 2001. Annie Ross is one of the pioneers of vocalese and the composer of 'Twisted,' one of the most well known examples of that art, as well as 'Farmers Market' and many others. A founding member of Lambert, Hendricks and Ross, considered the greatest jazz vocal ensemble of all time, her influence is present in all subsequent practitioners of vocalese. Currently, Annie Ross is living in New York and is still active as a jazz performer, having recently performed in New York, Scotland, and Spain as well as having recorded a new CD, 'Let Me Sing.'

Added by Upcoming Robot on August 25, 2012