210 Holiday Court
Annapolis, Maryland 21401

This Open House is a social event (happy hour with free appetizers) intended to introduce the members of the Annapolis Evening Rotary Club to interested prospective members.

Open to all, we invite anyone who is curious about Rotary in general or our Club in particular to come by. Have some appetizers, have a drink, and meet local Annapolis professionals who are growing a great club and working on creative ways to give back to the community. No obligation to join - just come meet great people and see if Rotary may be for you. Check us out on Facebook - just look up "Annapolis Evening Rotary Club". Contact Brian Deppa with any questions at 202-680-4645.

Official Website: http://www.meetup.com/AnnapolisEveningRotaryClub/events/16191830/

Added by elewis1234 on January 28, 2011

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