14A St Lukes Road
London, England W11 1DP

WEBSITE: http://bit.ly/f5VJT4 Anger can be very hot or very cold. Some of us tend to be explosive, others implode. Some are over-inflamed, others withholding. Some of us expel and spill out our feelings in an unformed, uncontrolled way, others over-contain, and withdraw from the world to protect other people and ourselves from our anger. These are universal habitual behaviours, quite undifferentiated responses to the world. Maturely considered responses  -  whether to discharge or to contain the emotion  -  often don’t seem to be accessible to us.

This workshop will look at and practise constructive, appropriate ways of expressing or meeting anger, and we will learn how we can get a satisfying resolution to a problem without acting out our anger.

Added by Marcus Gottlieb on December 27, 2010

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