939 Boylston Street
Boston, Massachusetts 02115

Angel Taylor—Angel Taylor's charisma is as palpable as her music itself. Talking about the passionate swirl of her debut release, Love Travels, the 21-year-old singer/songwriter is quick to share stories about her inspirations. But those stories quickly become secondary to the true magic of her talent as a songwriter. The 12 tracks on Love Travels are more than just personal missives that Taylor has set to music—they are living and breathing experiences that we have all shared. The names may change, but the stories remain the same.

"Anyone who has ever wanted to be loved very deeply by someone, but hasn't, will totally be able to grab hold of these songs," says Taylor. "That's what this album is about—wanting it so bad, not having it, and wondering why... it's a lot of questions."

And while Taylor doesn't pretend to have any answers, there's no escaping how good it feels to get engulfed by her insecurities, romanced by her vulnerability, and swooned by her tender lyrics and swaying melodies. Feeling self-conscious about listening to love songs written by a girl barely removed from her teens? Try and remember when love hurt the most, that high school spark that never flickered into a flame, or the flame that fanned out as quickly as it flared, making everything around you ache and throb. In a lot of ways, the love Angel Taylor is writing about is the most pure, untainted by a lifetime of experiences that too often devour the idealism of the helpless romantic buried in us all.

Supporting: Nicky Egan & the Majority-Born and raised just outside of Philadelphia, Nicky Egan is a singer/songwriter who now resides most of the year in Boston. Currently in her third year at the prestigious Berklee College of Music, Nicky is studying composition and production. She has been described as a Janis Joplin influenced soul singer. Egan formed her band in November of 2007, and they have been playing shows around the east coast from Philly to New Hampshire. "It's a perfect mix, we're really great friends and keep it professional, which comes from all of us being driven", Egan said of her band to the Bucks County Courier Times after their show at The World Cafe Live. Recently, Egan and her band, the Majority, traveled to Penn State for its annual THON weekend, where they played for thousands in order to raise money for children with cancer. Their next adventure is to the West Coast for a tour up the California coast. Dates, to be announced. Egan is in the process of recording her debut album. It combines elements of soul, pop, r&b, and is expected to be released within the year.

Official Website: http://www.cafe939.com/

Added by Awesome Shows on August 13, 2009

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