1208 Main St
Lynchburg, Virginia 24504

Over the past few years Washington, D.C. area singer songwriter Andy Zipf has built himself quite a cottage industry by constantly writing, touring, blogging, vlogging, tweeting and building a fan-base the "old fashioned" way.

Andy has shared the stage with a wide variety of great performers including The Cold War Kids, Badly Drawn Boy, Joshua Radin, Delta Spirit, Evan Dando, The Ataris, The Wrens, Jeremy Enigk, Dave Bazan, Nicole Atkins and Mary Lou Lord. He is on the road most of the time, traveling from rock club - to cafe - to coffee shop - finding new ways to share his music : one “pfriend” at a time.


Official Website: http://www.inklingswhitehart.com/events/events.asp

Added by inklingswhitehart on August 21, 2009

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