1540 Hicks Avenue
San Jose, California

See UK's hottest new kid on the block Psychic Gavin Cromwell, hailed in the US as the "Psychic Rock." In a gallery setting, Gavin will conduct readings using his incredible psychic gift, flare and Tarot Interpretation.

He will amaze the audience with his on-target predictions & readings. You can also bring photographs and personal items for Gavin to read on the evening.
Book your space early!
Book signing to follow the event.
Tickets are $45 and you MUST PRE-REGISTER FOR EVENT!

For more information, please visit http://www.gavincromwell.com.
Purchase tickets by emailing [email protected] or call 650-619-8625
(please print your PayPal receipt and bring it to the event):

Books can also be purchased in advance and delivered at the event.
My Life as a Psychic $17.99

***we are sorry, but we are unable to use credit cards at the actual event, however you can use credit cards thru PayPal.

GAVIN WILL ALSO HOLD PRIVATE ONE HOUR READINGS IN SAN MATEO. $130 AN HOUR- Call to schedule a reading or you can schedule a reading at the event.

**Gavin is now the "Absolute Psychic" on Absolute Radio with Allan Lake. One of UK's largest radio stations. Listen every Friday 5pm-6pm pacific time on absoluteradio.co.uk ! 5 million listeners can't be wrong!

Event submitted by Eventful.com on behalf of BayAreaGhostProject.

Added by BayAreaGhostProject on January 5, 2009