380 South 600 West
Brigham City, Utah 84302

Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year. To
celebrate this year, I am performing with some good
friends in a spirited holiday concert in Brigham City
on Saturday, Dec. 8.

Join --Cherie Call, Alex Boye', Jessie Clark Funk, Todd
and April Moriarty and me for an entertaining and touching
concert that you will want to make a family tradition. The
Box Elder Middle School Choirs are also scheduled to perform.

Warm and funny, festive and full of the spirit of the season,
the Alpine Christmas Concert in Brigham City is a gift
I'd like to share with you this holiday season.

Event submitted by Eventful.com on behalf of heykirby.

Added by HeyKirby on October 27, 2007

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