402 Abercorn Street
Savannah, Georgia 31401

America’s Most Haunted City™

Moon River Brewpub
Learn how Shannon Scott & The American Institute of Parapsychology not only were the first and only field researchers to investigate this property, but how Sci-Fi’s GHOST HUNTERS were ultimately inspired by their findings to air a segment on national television. You’ll hear first hand accounts from the people who were there first!

Little Gracie
Hear the tragic yet compelling story of Gracie Watson’s life, death and afterlife and all from right inside her playground, Johnson Square. See images of Savannah’s most fabled child and learn how her ghost story is one of the most stirring and explicative of life after death!

Execution of Sorceress, Alice Riley
The story of an Irish indentured servant who murders her unscrupulous master and is forced to give birth before her execution in February 1735. Yet before leaving this world for the next, she curses Savannah from the platform and is a name that has lived on through every Savannah tragedy.

Hampton-Lillibridge House
One of Jim William’s first homes that has not only been exorcised 4 time by 2 different churches, but was declared “the most psychically possessed home in America” by Duke University after embattling violent poltergeist activity. Easily Savannah’s most intriguing haunted home.

Bradley’s Lock & Key
Four generation owned lock & key business and personal friends of the Houdini family. We stop here to share a story of a Houdini impostor that didn’t fool The Bradleys and why the family shop became the focus of a story on America’s Most Wanted!

Laura’s Cottage
The setting is a well known historical property built during the Irish Ghetto days. This is a compelling tale of a young SCAD graduate who suffered an attack from what the Gullah people call “the hag” and how she believed she lived to tell!

1810 Orphanage
A private home for many years that became scene to a Ouija board seance in the 1960’s conducted by Ed & Lorraine Warren (The Amityville Horror) and may have liberated this home and its 8 female tenants of a suffering child spirit who had revealed his dilemmas to them in their nightly dreams!

Colonial Park Cemetery
Hear the story of Rene Asch Rondolier, “a giant boy” who became the physical inspiration for the novel Frankenstein and the inspired a hit episode on “Scariest Places On Earth!” We also present “The Man In Blue” as the only ghost in town drawn to a particular tour company — ours!

Official Website: http://www.sixthsensesavannah.com

Added by Sixth Sense Savannah on December 16, 2008