2201 S Washington St
Amarillo, Texas 79109

April Amarillo Drupal Meetup

* Location: Amarillo College, Parcells Hall, room 416.
* Date/Time: Wednesday April 15 at 4:00 pm.

This location is a nice room with lots of internet-connected Macs and a projector.

This will be another informal gathering to discuss Drupal. We will discuss whatever is relevant to those who attend.

If there are a lot of newcomers, we will discuss getting started with Drupal, show you its strengths, and hopefully help you over some initial hurdles. If there are mainly experienced developers, we will talk about more advanced topics. Regardless of your experience level with Drupal, please come so we can all benefit from each others' knowledge and experience. I hope you can attend.

Official Website: http://groups.drupal.org/node/21089

Added by nadavoid on April 13, 2009

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