98 San Jacinto Blvd.
Austin, Texas 78701

From Tweeting to Facebook - enough hype! Let one of the nation’s leading experts show you how to use personality to power up your brand.

Despite what you may have heard, blogs won’t save your business, people don’t ignore marketing, and the answer isn’t to give up control. There is a lot of marketing advice out there today, but not all of it is wise. In this session, Rohit Bhargava will share some unexpected lessons on building a successful brand in the social media era based on his career helping over 100 organizations, large and small, to do exactly that. He will share lessons on using your personality to stand out from his best selling book Personality Not Included, and leave you with real actionable advice on how to put those tools into action for your business.

Join us to learn why marketing is different today and what you need to do in order to evolve; hear real stories of how brands are using their personalities to stand out, and how you can too; and receive actionable advice on using social media for your marketing, including the one secret of authenticity that no one ever tells you.

Sponsor: IncSlingers

Official Website: http://www.austinama.org/events.php

Added by pjbrave01 on March 6, 2009

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