South Ave
Garden City, New York 11530

Come to Adelphi University on Long Island, NY for the AVP-USA annual gathering over the Memorial Day weekend. We have an exciting program which include a key note address on restorative justice, an Off-Broadway play, music, and multi-workshops. All are welcomed!
Just a friendly reminder to let you know that the Early Bird Dead-Line is near (April 5th). If you want the cheaper price, you must register now.
WHO: AVP National Conference 2009
WHERE: The National Conference will be held at Adelphi University which is in Garden City (Long Island), NY 11530
WHAT: Early Bird Registration Dead-Line (April 5th, 2009)
WHEN: Register now to get the cheaper price or else wait and pay the regular price.
HOW: To learn more about the conference and the partial scholarship that is available, or to register, you can go to

Official Website:

Added by return2vomit on March 30, 2009