100 Yacht Club Drive
San Rafael, California 94901

Modern California rockers ALO have a well-earned reputation for their special home state tours. There’s the sense of an event unfolding when this ear-snagging quartet takes the highway, often accompanied by their faithful hardcore fan base for entire runs, folks ensnared by ALO’s instantly pleasing mélange of radio pop savvy, high end musicianship and Golden State open-minded exploration. The band’s upcoming Halloweekend Haunt promises happy surprises galore as ALO marches through Days of the Dead and groovin’ ghouls.

When these boys are on, music feels alive and organic, something to be touched and tasted, savored and slathered all over. That it’s also incredibly tuneful and you can dance to it speaks to their great talent and dedication to making even outside-the-norm music conform to something more sophisticated and thoughtful. - JamBase

Official Website: http://murphyproductions.com/html/fall2011/alo.htm

Added by murphyproductionspublicity on September 13, 2011