Wayne State University
Detroit, Michigan

The Allied Media Conference is an annual, weekend-long gathering of influential, alternative media-makers and committed social justice activists. The AMC is a vital contributor to the growth of a large-scale social movement around media that centers issues of race, class, gender and other systems of oppression at its focal point. This year's theme is developing participatory media that empowers the producer and receiver, transformative media that breaks silence and builds movements.

The Allied Media Conference brings together a phenomenal cross-section of media workers: daring filmmakers, ambitious radio producers, serious publishers, skilled web designers, and artists whose work "makes revolution irresistible."

The 9th annual Allied Media Conference will be held June 22-24, 2007 in Detroit, Michigan. It is organized by a team of activists in Detroit, supported by many local organizations and long-time conference participants from around the country. Registration is on a sliding scale and we provide some travel stipends to ensure a wide range of participation from all across the country.

Official Website: http://alliedmediaconference.org/

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