Saturday, February 7, 6:30pm
All In This Tea & Rabbits and Wrinkles
Slow Food Nation, Montalvo Arts Center and Djerassi Resident Artists Program come together for a Slow Film presentation guest curated by Montalvo Arts Center Culinary Fellow Katherine Greenwald. Join Bay Area-based filmmakers Les Blank and Gina Leibrecht for a screening of All In This Tea, a film about Chinas rare tea varieties and cultivation. The feature will be preceded by a short film from chef/filmmaker Jessica Theroux's mixed media collection, Rabbits and Wrinkles: A Year in Italian Kitchens, and followed by a conversation moderated by Dale Djerassi, Founding Trustee of the Djerassi Resident Artists Program.
Then enjoy a reception featuring a film-inspired menu designed by Katherine Greenwald and presented in collaboration with The Montalvo Arts Centers former Culinary Fellow Jessie Benthien.
Slow Food Nation and Montalvo Arts Center All In This Tea & Rabbits and Wrinkles 701 Mission Street San Francisco CA 94103, YBCA Grand Lobby and Screening Room
Public Info:
415.978.2787 or www.ybca.org
Slow Food Nation All in this Tea & Rabbits and Wrinkles: $20/$15 General/YBCA Members
Reservations recommended for all Community Engagement events.
Event submitted by Eventful.com on behalf of ybca.
Added by ybcapr on January 5, 2009