595 Market St.
San Francisco, California 94105

Alice Feiring

Writer, Alicefeiring.com; Author, The Battle for Wine and Love: Or, How I Saved the World from Parkerization

In fear of losing the wines she loves best, Feiring is on a quest to save those beloved authentic wines from creeping globalization. Tune into one of the most debated topics in today's wine world and you might end up questioning what you really want in your glass.

Location: Club Office
Time: 5:30 p.m. check-in, 6 p.m. program, 7 p.m. reception and book signing
Cost: $12 members, $18 non-members
Also know: Underwriter: The Bernard Osher Foundation. Bookseller: Stacey's Books

RESERVATIONS: (415) 597-6705

Official Website: http://www.commonwealthclub.org

Added by thecommonwealthclub on June 26, 2008