466 Grand St.
New York, New York 10002

Thursday – Saturday, May 7 – 9 at 8 PM
Sunday, May 10 at 5 PM (MOTHER'S DAY)
$20 Adult | $15 Student/Senior
(Sunday May 10th, Mother’s Day Special: Mothers are half price $10)
HenryStreet Settlement/Abrons Art Center: 466 Grand St. (at Pitt St) New York, NY 10002
Theatermania.com | 212.352.3101

Internationally acclaimed dancer/choreographer Alexandra Beller offers two world-premiere dance-theater works. what comes after happy, a virtuosic and layered quintet that cracks open America’s cultural obsession with happiness; and egg, a tour de force solo exploring Beller’s first year of motherhood. View slideshow of NEW photos of "what comes after happy" here: http://alexandrabellerdances.org/about/

Official Website: http://www.henrystreet.org

Added by alexandra.beller on May 1, 2009

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