3748 74th Ave SE
Salem, Oregon 97317

The Authentic Leadership Course benefits anyone who is committed to learning and developing themselves as a leader: people whose responsibility is to create results in their role as managers, supervisors, entrepreneurs, and facilitators. Join with a small group of like-minded people who want to learn to influence with integrity and vision!

The Authentic Leadership Course is designed in nine two-day segments with a balance of theory, practice and resource building. One-on-one coaching, projects and behavior specific feedback are used to transform weaknesses into strengths, increasing each participant's effectiveness as a leader.

When these elements are strong and aligned within a person, authentic leadership is the natural outcome.

The Authentic Leadership Course challenges participants to be effective leaders who:

Are present and compelling, demonstrating the qualities of great leaders:

# accountability
# vision
# decisiveness
# clarity
# respect
# integrity
# commitment
# authenticity
# compassion
# creativity
# personal authority
# Give effective and respectful feedback
# Thoughtfully facilitate change, and resolve conflict
# Model excellent communication skills

" Life is no brief candle to me: it is a sort of splendid torch which I've got hold of for the moment and I want to make it burn as brightly as possible before handing it on to future generations." - George Bernard Shaw

The Authentic Leadership course is divided into nine weekends and held over a period of nine months:

Session One: Issues and Ethics

Session Two: Masterful Communication

Session Three: Authenticity and Self-Awareness

Session Four: The Magic of Groups

Session Five: Art of Facilitation

Session Six: Action and Results

Session Seven: Becoming Resourceful

Session Eight: Self Care / Conflict Resolution

Session Nine: Vision and Celebration

When these elements are strong and aligned within a person, authentic leadership is the natural outcome.

"Real freedom is the ability to pause between stimulus and response and in that pause choose." -Rollo May

The Authentic Leadership Course is a ten-month leadership training in nine, two or two and a half day segments. Prerequisites: Must have completed some basic personal growth work. The Personal Power workshop is highly recommended.

Official Website: http://www.llheartway.com/alchemist.htm

Added by jbennette on February 9, 2007

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