417 River Street
Troy, New York 12180

The Build Guild is a simple thing. A regular gathering of the web-folk with no commercial purposes. Talk web, design, industry topics, share some ideas, network and make professional connections, maybe pick up a freelance project or gig. Have a pint. Have 3 pints. Meet someone new. Complain about Microsoft.

There are no keynote speeches. No formal agenda. No rules. Just people.

So if you're a designer, developer, strategist, project manager, information architect or even a hobbyist, come on out.

Official Website: http://albany.buildguild.org/

Added by jonathandchr on April 7, 2010



I'm going to go for a run right after work so will be a little late. I expect a newcomer to show as well (Jesse - noticeable by his mini shark-fin style spiked hair). I believe Jack's bringing his coworker as well. Jon Chambers won't be making it.


Awesome, we'll be there