Spittlefields Market
London, England

Ajax Workshop - LONDON
Everyone is talking about how Ajax can transform a dull application into the most intuitive, user friendly experience your visitors will ever have. Why? Because it's one of the most exciting web technologies around today.

In this special one-off workshop the creator of Dojo Toolkit Javascript library will show you exactly how you can transform your real world web applications into stunning applications that will be the envy of your competitors.

Covering a wide range of advanced Ajax techniques, and important design and user interface problems this workshop will give you a unique insight into how, why and when you should be using Ajax.

- Building Web Apps with Ajax
- Dylan Schiemann (DoJo Toolkit)
- Thursday, June 29th 2006 - London

Official Website: http://www.carsonworkshops.com/dev/ajax/dylanschiemann/29JUN2006.html

Added by Gill on May 2, 2006

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