313 West 83rd Street
New York, New York 10024

AISH New York
A Meeting of the Minds

Table Talk: One Part Intellectual, Two Parts Social

Tonight’s topic: Relationships and Gender

Table Talk is a cutting edge program that gets people thinking, meeting and moving. Over 100 people at tables of 10 explore, debate, laugh and engage in conversations centered around a hot topic – national security, gender issues, relationships, etc. Afterward, our “Phil Donahue” brings the room to life with sharp and incisive moderating with a Jewish touch.

Join our special hosts: best-selling author in the field of human behavior, Dr. David Lieberman, and the creator of Table Talk, Jeff Schacter of Cedarview Capital Partners, for a night of mind-opening ideas, dynamic discussions, social interaction, and a whole lot of fun.

Wednesday, November 15th

7:00 – Food
7:30 – Table Talk
8:30 – Dessert

$10 prepaid/$15 at the door

Aish New York
313 West 83rd Street
New York, NY 10024

For more details or to register visit us online at www.aishny.com
or call 212-921-9090

Official Website: http://www.aishny.com

Added by papertoes on November 15, 2006

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