Apáczai Csere János u. 4.
Budapest, Budapest 1052

Welcome to Budapest in 2009!

Following in the footsteps of previous great cities but offering a fresh Central Eastern European perspective, the 2009 Budapest Congress will be an unforgettable event for all. This will be the first time the Annual Congress has been held in this part of Europe, and we are certain that once you experience our particular brand of hospitality combined with the “AIJA Spirit”, you will not be disappointed.

Whatever part of the agenda tickles your fancy, one thing is for certain: an Annual Congress that begins with an Opening Ceremony held in a most stunning venue is guaranteed to leave you wanting more.

The Organizing Committee is looking forward to welcoming you, and making sure that you get the most out of the series of professional and social programs planned. We warmly invite you to pre-register, but above all, come join us to make this an Annual Congress to remember!

Orsolya Görgényi
President of the Organizing Committee

Conference information provided by konferenciakalauz.hu

Official Website: http://aijabudapest2009.org

Added by konferenciakalauz.hu on May 6, 2009