"Join AIGA San Francisco for our biggest event of the year, featuring a benefit auction of one-of-a-kind toys customized by some of the most visionary artists and designers on the playground."
$15 AIGA members, $25 non-members, $20 non-member students
Official Website: http://www.aigasf.org/events/event_toys.html
Added by kellan on October 5, 2006
This is going to be alot of fun!
and I am not just saying that because I am on the event committee ;-)
See fabulous sculptures by Kid Robot made fancy-schmancy by designers including:
Margo Chase
Yves Behar
Simone Legno
Luba Lukova
George Scribner of Disney
Rick Valicenti
an more...
It will be a fun evening, cool music and lots of schmmozing....